Texture Resource list for Agebuilders
Here's a linked list of all the texture resources I've had bookmarked, more added from fresh online research, and more suggested by Calena.
Please PM me if you can suggest an additionLightbulb, or if you have corrections! Facepalm1

Ten thousand times thank you for this most excellent of resources Emor!

If you don't mind, I'm going to ask this publicly so that you can respond publicly and everyone knows your preference. Would it be okay to post a link to this resource on other forums?

It would be great to share it, but I also understand if you would prefer that we not post links to this very focused forum. The focus here on age building specifically is one of the things I personally appreciate Smile.

Calena, thanks for saying so.
Wanted to put that page together for a long time, but kept putting it off!

You could possibly convince me otherwise Tongue but I've always thought of this forum - and its eventual website - as a special-purpose place.
Though I'm happy to see that texture resource page get some use, I'm not trying to draw attention away from other forums with it, just hoping to provide a service where I can.

So I guess I'd prefer not to use other sites to draw people to this one, but perhaps I'm just overthinking the matter! Think

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