Site | description | Terms Of Use: excerpts | Notes |
3DTotal |
3Dtotal carries a lot of useful material; to access the textures select "texture" from the blue list at page top, then the category you're looking for. A wide range of quality here, but a large selection from which to choose. | Here's what you can do: Use any images royalty free within the following work definitions, either private or commercial: video games, printed media, movies, animations, websites, presentations, e-books, e-zines, advertising media, digital media – providing the images are embedded and cannot be easily extracted, so as not to be classified as re-distributing. Sell textures when bundled with a 3D model, as long as the texture has been significantly modified to map to that model only. Here's what you can't do: Sell, redistribute or bundle the images in any way (apart from modifying and bundling with a 3D model). |
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Amazing Textures |
Though most of the images available here are for-fee, a good number can be downloaded free. There is a search function, but it appears to gather both free and for-fee textures...but each is clearly labelled. | Any contents may not be re-sold, packaged, loaned or otherwise redistributed. What do I get with the free account?You get access to most of the textures, you can download 20mb a day, everyday. But you cannot use them commercially. |
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Assist CG |
small collection but some good quality images | - You can use our content in your own works, whether for commercial or non-commercial use. - You can sell, redistribute our content as part of printed work /cd-covers, posters, postcards etc./. - You can modify the content obtained from the assistcg.com website in any way you like. ------------------------- - You can't put our content on your own website or sell and give them to others as a collection. To sell and disribute our content significant modifications must be made. |
512X512: O 1024 X 1024: R&L |
Blender-Archi |
Textures aimed for architects' needs, these are often taken quite close-up but there are still many worthwhile images here, including some excellent skymaps. |
Each image's licensing is listed right along with the download button, so only click on those with suitable options for your purposes! |
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Blendersite |
An odd but somewhat organized set of imagery. Watch out for the ads; don't click the "Download Now!" buttons! Just click on the images; what results is what you grab and save. |
Use of the Textures is only allowed under one or more of the following conditions: - Private or commercial use - Use in 2D or 3D computer graphics, movies and printed media - Incorporation in computer games, 3D models - Selling 3D models bundled with modified versions of the textures, when the texture is customized for the 3D model It is NOT permitted to: - Sell or distribute any of these textures in an unmodified form, or where the derived product you are selling or distributing is a Texture or a collection of Textures. In other words: Do not sell or distribute any of these textures (modified or not) by itself or in a texture pack! |
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CGtextures |
Long-running and enormous collection of well-organized and generally excellent-quality material. |
Use of the Textures is only allowed under the following conditions: - Private or commercial use - Use in 2D or 3D computer graphics, movies and printed media - Incorporation in computer games, 3D models - Selling 3D models bundled with modified versions of the textures, when the texture is customized for the 3D model It is NOT permitted to: - Sell or distribute any of these textures in an unmodified form, or where the derived product you are selling or distributing is a Texture or a collection of Textures. IN OTHER WORDS: Do not sell or distribute any of these textures (modified or not) by itself or in a texture pack, material, clipart, website theme or scrapbooking pack! - Bundle the images with software such as paint programs, 3D programs, photo-kiosk software. - Reselling or redistributing the images at 'print on demand' services (mugs, t-shirts, mouse mats, etc) - Use the textures in graphic design themes or templates sold to multiple customers on digital market places (this includes templates of websites and business cards and e-cards). - Selling or redistributing skins for laptops, phones and other devices, created with images from CGTextures. - Stockpile images with the goal of making a local texture library. - Using a special program (spider, leecher) or script to automatically download all Textures on the CGTextures website. Users who try to mass download will be banned from the website automatically. - Release the Textures or derivative products under Open Source Licences |
R&L |
Continuum3Dskies |
Free skydome textures of decent quality are hard to come by; Ric offers several pages of them here...some normal, some quite bizarre! |
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FreeStockTextures |
Textures are all very high resolution, quality is uneven. Use the Download button with the box; not the green "download" ad button! |
Terms of use FreeStockTextures.com are the authors of all the photos available on this site. All textures may be used for both personal and commercial purposes. You may make any derivative work out of them. However you are not allowed to sell or redistribute these textures in an underived form or if the modified product is a texture or a textures pack. |
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FreeTextures |
Don't be fooled by the come-on ads on this site's homepage; they actually do have quite a few decent textures organized in the small black buttons at top of page. Downloading them can be awkward, as each is zipped in an RAR package. |
You can use it for Any Purpose Even Commercially or Non Commercially. But you cannot Host, sell, Share or Distribute it. |
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Image*After |
Longstanding and extensive collection, well-organized... but can be awkward to locate what you're looking for. | WHAT CAN YOU DO WITH IMAGE*AFTER IMAGES AND TEXTURES? -you CAN modify our images and textures in any way you see fit -you CAN use our images and textures in your own work, whether it be for personal or commercial use -you CAN redistribute or sell our images and textures ALTERED OR UNALTERED as part of printed work (e.g. posters, cd-covers, postcards etc) WHAT CAN'T YOU DO WITH IMAGE*AFTER IMAGES AND TEXTURES? -you CANNOT REDISTRIBUTE our images and textures as part of an online resource site like our own, i.e. use them to directly compete with us. |
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Lost&Taken |
Relatively new site that has been steadily adding to its collection. Use the "Gallery" to browse specific texture categories. Also see http://zentextures.com/ ...same guy, same terms |
Terms of Use The textures I provide here on Lost & Taken are royalty free, and can be used in any of your projects both personal and commercial with no attribution required. Please do not host textures elsewhere or redistribute them in their original format, if you would like to share with others direct them back to Lost & Taken. |
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LoveTextures |
Uneven collection, not organized by category but there is a search function. If you don't mind scrolling through page after page of images, a dozen at a time.... R-click on the "Download high resloution..." (sic) button and then "save link as..." |
Textures that you find on this site are 100% free for personal and professional use, all we ask is that you do not redistribute, sell or host any of the photography found on loveTextures.com. |
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maxTextures |
Excellent quality, well-organized with descriptions associated with each item, and almost all textures here are tileable! Please read their entire T.O.U.
Conditions of Use |
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Mayang's Free Textures |
Another longstanding collection of good, organized material, with rather liberal policies. "over 4350 free to download, high-resolution textures" Nice people from Kuala Lumpur! |
Use: They are free to use for all uses, whether commercial or non-commercial (you may incorporate them into your derived work with no requirement to pay us any licensing fee etc). Your derived work must involve significant modification to the textures. It would be nice if you could credit us. Sell: You may not sell any of these textures in an unmodified form, or any derived works where the product you are selling is still a texture and is likely to compete with this website. Redistribute: You may redistribute (give/send to somebody else/display on a web site) up to 30 of these textures together, but no more. You must credit this website as the original source (tell them about us). |
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OpenGameArt |
OpenGameArt's texture resources are from many different contributors, each with a different story and a different license. Textures are all properly catgorized and selectable. Many of these textures are quite small; but you have to open the image to determine this, as size is not declared. |
Licensing terms are stated along with each texture image. There is a filter function at page left where only images with the licensing you select will be displayed. |
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PhotosPublicDomain |
This is an image resource, not specifically a texture resource. There are some images that were taken for texturing purposes, however many are taken by people not knowledgable in graphics practices. Use the word soup widget at page right to navigate. |
All of the pictures on this website have been released into the Public Domain. This means that you are free to use them for any purpose including commercial......you are free to use, distribute, publish, reproduce or make derivitive works from any of these images. Do I need to Give a Photo Credit, Link or Attribution? No. Our photos are free for you to use, so no credit or attribution is requred. That being said, we...appreciate any credits or links that you might be able to provide. |
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PlanetPixelEmporium |
ONLY images of planets! If you need an image of a planet, this place has images of planets! |
Here are some examples of usage that I hope will clear the situation up: Example 1 - The Simulator or Game You are a software author who has created a Solar System simulator and you want to use my planet texture maps in your program. Since the primary intent of your use is to create real time renderings utilizing the planet texture maps as a resource in your software product, this is an acceptable use under my copyright terms. |
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ShareCG |
ShareCG is a site where hundreds of conributors have uploaded their texture files, each of them with their own licensing choices. The site carries a wide range of quality; many of the files seem to be of very small resolution | ShareCG allows you to filter only the image contributions with the licensing options you prefer. Pay careful attention. | R&L |
SquidfingersPatterns |
While this site hosts only pixel patterns, they are very good ones! You may find a use for these as book covers or or other places where fine repeated patterns are normal. Many other source for such patterns are compiled HERE. | Feel free to use any of these patterns on your own site. If you do decide use one, a credit link back to my site is always greatly appreciated. |
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TextureKing |
LARGE images, spotty quality - but could improve. | a) Permitted Product Usage You are permitted to use our textures to design as many projects as necessary, including those you are creating for your clients. You may not resell or redistribute the textures in any other way, modified, unmodified, standalone or combined with another product without prior written (email) consent from us. b) Modifications You are permitted to make whatever modifications necessary to our textures to make them fit your requirements. However, they will still be subject to this license regardless of the extent of the modification. c) Unauthorized Distribution You may not place any of our textures, modified or unmodified, on a diskette, CD, website or any other medium and offer them for redistribution or resale in a fashion that would violate this license. d) Nontransferrable License You may not sub-license, assign, or transfer this license to anyone else without prior written (email) consent from us. e) Product Ownership You may not claim intellectual or exclusive ownership of any of our texture photos, modified or unmodified. All texture photos remain our property. None of the textures or a derivative of the textures may be copyrighted. |
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TextureArchive |
High-resolution but poor-quality images, not a large collection but some may still be of use to you. |
EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY NOTED, YOU MAY: Alter, modify, combine and manipulate the Images as needed. Print the images and distribute the images in printed form in any manner for any purpose. Publish the images in an electronic or digital form as part of a work that is an advertisement, promotion, brochure, report, e-book, e-magazine, web site, game, software, video or editorial article. ...... Please read entire TOU at: http://www.texturearchive.com/terms.aspx |
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TextureLib |
A substantial quantity of high-quality material here, very well-organized. | All images are taken by my own cameras and edited by me. They are free for commercial and non-commercial use with the only limitation: you are not allowed to sell or distribute original or slightly modified images alone or in packs. You can only distribute them as an integral part of your product. Credit texturelib.com if it is possible. Texture library © 2013 Dmitriy Chugai |
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TexturePop |
Some interesting and unusual textures here. Many are taken at very close range though, so they may be impractical for tiling purposes. |
Use of these textures is free for personal or commercial products, only DO NOT sell them, host them, or otherwise redistribute them in unmodified form or as part of collections of textures or stock photos. | O |
Texturer |
Not an enormous collection, but all appear to be of very decent quality - these people know what they're doing! | All textures may be used for both personal and commercial purposes. You may make any derivative work out of them. However you are not allowed to sell or redistribute these textures in an underived form or if the modified product is a texture or a textures pack. |
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Textures by Forrest |
Fairly small collection of textures, they are not high-resolution. |
Cannot locate any TOU whatsoever |
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TextureWarehouse |
Uneven quality, not a huge collection. | Our images are licensed under a Creative Commons License(Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0). |
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Texturez |
Owners appear to be image-collectors rather than graphic designers, so many of their textures are perspective-skewed or otherwise unsuitable for easy use in CG applications. | Appears to have no TOU whatsoever. |
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TextURU |
Growing collection intended specifically for URU builders; some very useful but others may be too shadowed or distant for some purposes. | Two license models may be used by authors submitting images to TextURU; please see this page for full listings. Licensing for each image is declared in a very convenient chart seen on each image's download page. |
R&L |
UrbanDirty |
Only collects what it says: urban grunge images...but it has a lot of 'em, and they're good, at the resolution you request. Also handy: you stack up your requested images in a cart, ten at a time, then when you're ready the site zips them into one package for you. | All photos under CC Attrib license. "You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use." |
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UVtextures |
Russian site offering a very uneven collection of images captured in that country... but some excellent high-detail examples among them. |
All the images displayed in the site are the exclusive property of the authors. You may use them in your work without fee or royalty. However, once your work is published, you must acknowledge in your references that you have used the UVtextures library and include, if possible, an active hyperlink to our site. (note that they are not demanding you identify each separate texture utilized, only that you must cite UVtextures as a source, and link them) |
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Webtextures |
This cookie-monster site hosts a few interesting texture packages, but you have to be careful about using the correct search box (at page right) and the correct "Download" button (the one below the images!) - StarTextures may be the same site, repackaged? |
Webtexture.net doesn’t own the copyright of the textures and other resources. If the material has an author please get in touch with the author and ask if you can use it for commercial projects. If there’s no author info on the download page then we don’t have details about the author. In this case you use the material at your own risk. ...in other words, the material isn't theirs and you're on your own as far as determining whether you're violating the original authors' rights. Maybe best to avoid this one. |
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