Tutorials for 3DS Max
I found this series of tutorials to be really helpful; they're at a fairly beginner level but show you a lot of neat tricks that aren't always in the manuals:
Mike Picton's 10-part series "100 tips to an easier 3DStudio life" (all available from one list)

Or you can get them individually:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Autodesk's wide range of video tutorials can be accessed from their YooToob channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/3dsMaxHowTos

Keep in mind, though, that some of these tuts are for more recent versions of Max than 7 and 8! Often these videos are accompanied by project files that cannot be opened in earlier versions of Max.

Nevertheless, even the tutorials for More Modern Maxes will demonstrate principles that in most cases are still applicable in 7 and 8.

For example, their recent set of tutorials covering UV Mapping in Max show some features only available in Max 2013, and the earliest Max version the demo files can be opened in is 2010. Yet the basic concepts are all very much valid, the tutorials are both easy to understand and very thorough.
There's an excellent series of Max tutorials from LearnCG.
(They also cover Maya and SoftImage topics, so be sure you're viewing a Max tutorial!)

They're almost all very straight-ahead, factual and thorough.

As one example:
If you've ever had any confusion about dealing with problem normals in max, this quick video covers all the bases and will set you straight!!!
Here's one of the more straightforward tutorials I've seen for UV mapping in Max.
It's not recent, but I think everything here is still valid for any version from 7 forward.
In nine parts, starting here: http://waylon-art.com/uvw_tutorial/uvwtut_01.html
Here are some tutorials for 3DS Max I've been working on.
I have written them to be in the same style as Andy's tutorials.
They describe how I did things with my set up but they may be useful.


Linking Books

Creating a new third person camera

Combination Panel Puzzle

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