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08-16-2014, 11:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-02-2014, 12:19 PM by Karkadann.)
Been working on a Max file I plan one posting soon with all the various AV animations to make Age Writing a bit easier. You should be able to Merge the particular AV animation into your project and have a working lever button or what ever, all it would need is for you do customize it a bit.
The one shot dummy's are lined up and (where applicable) the lever/button or what ever are very closely synchronized with the AV animation. So far I have the following AV animations working or on my to-do list.
swinging door-incomplete
sitting region
floor lever, stuck and hard push/pull
floor lever, push/pull
floor lever, pull
wall button
flat button
floor pedal
wall lever, two way
wall lever side, two way
linking book
insert KI[spoiler]
I always had more fun with Mesh then texture or coding[/spoiler]
bahro stone-close to floor
telescope, which was figured out with help from our sister site GoW
If their is any AV animations I missed please let me know
Also I might need a few people to go threw everything and make sure
its all working right. So far its got no texture or sound Im not sure if Im going to add them they may be to age specific.
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Ok the swinging doors is causing major coding confusion, I got a nice 4 panel door, working hinges, door jam with molding and a wall, then I got stumped on the sdl, and the local av animation.
Im gonna need help on that one, in the mean time Iv got two other av animation to work on and some details on the animation curve, If I cant figure out the door perhaps I can post the Max file here and somebody else could figure it out, if I can find max file with a working example, or I'll keep reading the available material until it sinks in either way I'll keep it on the to do list
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08-30-2014, 01:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2014, 01:21 PM by Emor D'ni Lap.)
Karkadann, this is're doing something that's been on my own to-do list for over a year now!
I'll be happy to help where I can, as soon as I have some time away from work.
I can't help you with the sdl issues. And, unless you are making some new functionality that did not exist before, I guess I don't understand why you need to make new avvie animations rather than calling the existing ones?
I assume you're creating - as I had intended to do - a Max version of the Agefile associated with the longstanding and very helpful Blender animations list - the file that is linked within this page?
However, I'm pretty good with animation, so if you do need some help with custom avvie animations, maybe I could assist there?
And, as far as sounds go: I think the KI pedestals are all uniform in their sound, so for instance a properly-set-up sound region could be included with the file for such an asset.
Let me know if you need anything to have the Max file hosted here, okay?
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So far iv got everything but the swinging door finished. I was gonna leave that for last, or perhaps I could post the file here and someone else could tackle it
I haven't thought about adding sound but its seems like a good idea.
Also if people merge the various do-dads available they're gonna wanna add their own personal touches so I left everything but the floor untextured
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09-14-2014, 10:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-16-2014, 10:49 AM by Karkadann.)
Some of the Sounds seem to be more of an obstacle then their worth. 
the problem is the sound components seem to be compromising the animation in the two way hard pull lever which I have set up with three animations Jam, hard pull and hard push
However I think I found a work around using a second responder with a delay and sound component. or perhaps combining the one-shot animation and the sound component on one responder and using the call back marker might work. this would leave the animation isolated and unaffected by the mess im making with the sound component
I'll try to set up both examples
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09-18-2014, 11:33 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-18-2014, 11:36 AM by Emor D'ni Lap.)
That's great that you're making progress!
I guess I don't understand the difficulty with the sound component, though.
Can't that just be a separate dummy emitter that gets triggered by some point in the avatar or door animation?
(That's probably what you were already saying, wasn't it?  )
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10-01-2014, 10:22 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2014, 10:50 AM by Karkadann.)
Here is the first draft of the Avatar animation file. It should have everything you need except the PageInfo component, it is all the avatar animation I could figure out with the exception of the swinging door. One Max 7 file and one jpg file, I left the Page info component out/ IE the age file so you can use your own prefix. Keep in mind this is only the first draft, nothing is textured except the floor which has tiles at 5x5 and a kickable at 2x2x6 to add some perspective.
I was thinking of posting it with the Blender Avatar animation file assuming I can figure out how and was hoping to get some people to critique it to make sure everything is working properly and I did not miss anything before hand.
The links are set to the Nexus I hope thats OK
AvatarAnimation for Max
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ThanX Karkadann!
This is gonna make life alot easier for us!
I have two questions
1. The ScopePython component wants a Python file to be named. Do you have one? or an example at least that we could plug in there?
2. if we add stuff to this, is it okay with you if we re post it again here?
Maybe we add a version number or something?
I also liked seeing how the MultiBeh was set up on the scope!!!
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10-11-2014, 04:55 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-11-2014, 04:57 PM by Karkadann.)
Don't know how to answer the question because the scope python is the python file. Your gonna need a coder for that one.
the info I got to set up the scope came from here and here
as far as the second question go for it just change the version number and post a small description of what you added
I never did figure out the door but my next version (what ever number its gonna be) is gonna have adjustments to the animations and and a few ladders unless somebody beats me to it.
eventually we can set it up like a supply room for age writers
So yeah add stuff this is just some of the stuff I was able to figure out that I thought would be most usefull
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Here is the second version, I added a few ladders, adjusted some of the Animation, and tried to make things a bit simpler.
Avatar Animations 02
The Optimist says the glass is half full, The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
Its the Realist who knows its full, half with air, half with water