3dsMax7 - Keyboard Shortcuts
I've been getting a bit frustrated trying to navigate in this interface Swear; finding the shortcuts has become a priority. On the chance that someone else has the same problem, I'm going to start posting shortcuts as I find them (this will also keep me from forgetting them, but we won't discuss that).

Zoom to Selection - Z

Pan View - Press and drag middle mouse button

Zoom View - Press and spin middle mouse button (use Cntl & MMB to speed zooming; Alt&MMB to slow zooming) / Zoom to Mouse Point - can be set in Customize > Preferences > Viewport - really handy!

Rotate View - Press "Alt" along with middlemouse button and drag

Toggle Viewports: Bottom - B : Top - T : Front - F : Left - L : Perspective - P

Calena, I sure don't want to stop you from writing down your keyboard shortcuts and remembering them!

But I'm big on shortcuts as well. Except, if you're working in more than one CG program, it gets difficult to keep track! (and if you're simultaneously learning several other types of graphic software AND they're on BOTH PCs AND Macs, it makes you completely crazy! Dizzy)

There are many Max shortcut charts out there, but I didn't like any of them, so years ago I took the most comprehensive one and reformatted it so I could print it out on three double-sided sheets. I think it was for Max 8, but 95% of it should work just fine for 7: 3DSMax_hotkey-chart.pdf
(10-30-2012, 06:47 PM)Emor Dni Lap Wrote: But I'm big on shortcuts as well. Except, if you're working in more than one CG program, it gets difficult to keep track! (and if you're simultaneously learning several other types of graphic software AND they're on BOTH PCs AND Macs, it makes you completely crazy! Dizzy)

You're definitely a content creator! Tell me again why we do this?

Wow. Your list is 7 pages long Cry. And it still didn't include the middle mouse button shortcuts, which to me are the fastest.

I read through the whole 7 pages and picked the ones I needed; all 5 shortcuts! I added them to my OP. Thanks Emor Clap (I'll print the list for future reference).

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