10-09-2014, 09:39 AM
I tried doing something like this a while back, the issue I had was getting the water feature working on a vertical plane, the water feature works wonderfully on a horizontal plane, but turning on its side does not work. Kinda like the issue I had with Relativity and the camera angles, Cyan never intended to have an age where you could walk up the wall so the camera angles are stuck on the Z-plane, just like the water only works when its on the Z-plane for a similar reason. Unless I missed something in my experimentation you might need a custom python that will allow the water feature to work on a vertical plane.

hopefully if someone does decide to write this python they don't make it too complex

hopefully if someone does decide to write this python they don't make it too complex
The Optimist says the glass is half full, The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
Its the Realist who knows its full, half with air, half with water
Its the Realist who knows its full, half with air, half with water