issues with 3DS max 7 on Win 10
I just tried installing Max 7 on win 10 and it seem to be working OK, until I close it, Then I get an application error. as I recall Cyans plug-ins tended to be a bit finicky at times and Im kinda reluctant to install them unless I can get this issue fixed, any ideas?
The Optimist says the glass is half full, The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
Its the Realist who knows its full, half with air, half with water
Karkadann, good to see you again!

Glad 7 is working for you on Win10.
The error message on closing is something I'm pretty sure we ALL get, and we just get used to swatting it away each time we exit.

Wish I had more of a clever answer for you! Shrug

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