Structure for a good job
Shorah guys, I will use this corner to give an indication about what can be useful for a good development team. For first, and this can not like to someone, but is necessary only a manager. This because if there isn't can come many problems in the developement job because anyone will work acordind his desire. This create only confusion and increment the job time useless.
Second, if someone makes a commitment, he must be ready to complete it, as far as possible of course.
Third, and most importantly, communicate a lot: otherwise you will have to go back and forth very often and this could create frustration.
That's just my opinion of course, but that's what we're here for, right? To evaluate all our ideas. : Thumb-up:
Shorah and good job all.

Messages In This Thread
Structure for a good job - by Jhon J. Jaguar - 03-27-2020, 03:09 PM
RE: Structure for a good job - by Emor D'ni Lap - 03-30-2020, 08:29 AM
- - by VeronaNex - 02-27-2024, 12:31 PM

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