Writers' Guild Forums - for URU Agebuilders using the Open-Source Plasma plug-in
POSTING IMAGES in Writers-Guild: please read! - Printable Version

+- Writers' Guild Forums - for URU Agebuilders using the Open-Source Plasma plug-in (https://www.writers-guild.org/Forum)
+-- Forum: Writers' Guild Website / Forum input (https://www.writers-guild.org/Forum/forum-4.html)
+--- Forum: Writers' Guild - forum feedback (https://www.writers-guild.org/Forum/forum-3.html)
+--- Thread: POSTING IMAGES in Writers-Guild: please read! (/thread-34.html)

POSTING IMAGES in Writers-Guild: please read! - Emor D'ni Lap - 11-21-2012

I've now set the forum so that images uploaded to the site can be directly displayed as images embedded in your post.

Images will display as a thumbnail that can be clicked to display full-size in a separate tab of your web browser. Though it's considered a "thumbnail" image, I've set it quite high, so anything up to and including an 800X600 image will display full-size!

While this approach will help on a visually-driven site like this one, I'm still asking all users to upload your large, high-resolution or large-quantity images to third-party storage when possible, just to keep data bloat down at this end....

...thank you!

RE: POSTING IMAGES in Writers-Guild: please read! - Emor D'ni Lap - 10-29-2013

Hub called to my attention that some registered people here were not able to upload images / attachments to their posts!

This should now be fixed. Below each new reply panel, you should ALL see this Attachments panel:

Unfortunately, this is one thing MyBB does NOT make super-simple if, say, you want to insert an image in your post:
- you first have to Browse to your image, then once it's selected,
- you click the "Add Attachment" button, THEN a new slot will appear in the Attachments panel that has an "Insert Into Post" button.
- Clicking that will place the attachment link into your post at the current cursor position.
This attachment image may not be visible in a preview, but should show up fine in the full post.

If this DOES NOT work for you, please let me know here! Grr