Writers' Guild Forums - for URU Agebuilders using the Open-Source Plasma plug-in
DRA ages - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: DRA ages (/thread-164.html)

DRA ages - Clat - 11-24-2018

Years ago, a small group of age-builders gathered around the Adrael Project. That group split, and an unfinished Adrael was released, but work went ahead, new people joined and left, a new version of Adrael was developed, and another age called Aaronia was started. Now the team is again changing, and I think it’s time to show something of what has been achieved so far. Please, take a look here, at 1080 high definition. It’s work in progress, of course.


RE: DRA ages - Hub Goobley - 11-30-2018

This looks like you all put a lot of work into these Ages!
Thank you for showing us what you have so far.
I wish I had time to volunteer with your team, to help.
I know it's hard to keep volunteer teams together over a long project.
Our group's little Age is still barely alive!
Please don't give up, don't abandon your work!

RE: DRA ages - Clat - 12-02-2018

Thank you, Hub, from all present and past Adrael Team members. Smile
You’re right: keep a team going is not easy, but it’s vital. We have some lucky times, with half a dozen active people and more, but we never had all the necessary competences equally represented. For example, we had good quality decals, but had troubles with run-time lights. I believe the same is true for any team: each has is strengths and weaknesses. Sharing the strengths could be a solution, but usually available time is the limiting factor. Some specialization would be useful, as some professional experience in correlated fields. Possibly this topic worth a dedicated thread…
In the meantime, we’ll do our best to complete our ages, and I hope to see your completed too.Crossfingers

RE: DRA ages - Hub Goobley - 06-22-2020

It's like a year and a half later now and I was wondering if y'all gave up on it?
I hope not!

We get a little bit done on our Age every month or two, but still have a long way to go before finish. Facepalm1 We could scale it back I guess but no one on our little team wants that. We are learning more all the time. Maybe the fun is in the journey, like they say.

RE: DRA ages - Hub Goobley - 08-29-2020

More than two months since I asked about your project. And now over 20 months since we first heard from you.

No reply, so either the project is dead or something bad happened. Hope y'all are okay.


RE: DRA ages - Clat - 10-01-2020

Hi, Hub.
My apologize for the long silence. I have no excuses, just my fault. Fortunately, I’m more reliable – or less unreliable – when it comes to age building. So, to answer your question, our age is alive and well, and making steady, if slow, progress. It must be said that most of that progress, lately, is merit of Emor D’ni Lap, while Jhon J. Jaguar is working through animation and programming issues, but I’m doing my part nonetheless. By the shortness of this list, you may guess that our team is just the three of us, at the moment, so we decided to concentrate all efforts on just one place, the one you see at the beginning and at the end of the clip. It’s called Timel – the Gallery – and is intended to be part of a three ages group to be played together, but it will be released first as a single, fully playable age, with some working puzzles and its own finale. I don’t dare to say when it’ll be.t I can say that we already did a lot of work, and we are now tackling all the details, but it happens that a small ornament takes more time than a whole landscape.
That’s all for now. I apologize again with you and all other people who read this thread. Hopefully, I will have more news soon, while we are progressing toward release.

RE: DRA ages - Hub Goobley - 10-16-2020

Thank you Mr. Clat, that is very good news. I am relieved to know you are all okay and that your project's still alive and kickin'!
So many things can happen these days, you know?
I give you all my best wishes, looking forward to seeing some of your work. Maybe you can give us a teaser sometime soon.

RE: DRA ages - Clat - 12-09-2020

Browsing through our latest assets, I discovered that most jobs are small bits and pieces, confirming that we are in the detail phase... So, here is your teaser. It's a component of a big machine, the scope of which is to be discovered.


RE: DRA ages - Hub Goobley - 01-09-2021

Ooh looks more like a piece of jewelry!
It's going to be a very pretty machine!

thank you Thumb-up

RE: DRA ages - Clat - 01-10-2021

D'ni used to decorate everything... Big Grin