(please read text below, after viewing the video demo!)

This is a Nexus Book Silo, a place intended to store and protect the vast output of many centuries of linking book authors.

Its origins are still open to interpretation...
One scenario could be that it was built surreptitiously under King Me'erta but discovered by Grand Master Tremal and sealed, then later re-discovered and refurbished/modernized by an offshoot of the Guild of Writers, but abandoned just before the Fall.

How does it work?
This Nexus station, though it is very different from the existing one in appearance, will have many of the same functions located in exactly the same places. Ten pillars running top-to-bottom within this vertical tube of bookshelves have (unseen) rails on their backsides. The book-retrieval pickhead device (behind the Nexus station) travels on a pair of parallel ring rails running horizontally. These horizontal rings in turn ride on the vertical rails behind the pillars, allowing the pickhead to align with any horizontal/vertical book-space in the silo. Its motion is VERY rapid, so the retrieval process takes no longer than the Cyan Nexus' wait period. Various groups of books will be assigned to one of several different animations for the retrieval head, so you'll generally see different actions for different books.
After the pickhead returns with the selected book, the left and right panels of the machine open to permit the book to emerge in the middle, ready for linking.